Lets swing, gently swing, into the summer.
The „Swing Morphologies” pavilion is the result of MEDS 2016 Bucharest international workshop run by [winkle]. The team consisted of 20 architecture and design students from all over the world and 3 tutors from Poland – Maga Baryła, Barbara Drozdek and Ola Łukaszewska with the support from Eliza Biała.

The aim of the workshop was to create a pavillion with a series of benches and swings inside, all made out of plastic agricultural string, which as a material gives a lot of unique possibilities. The project explores the possiblities of manual string manipulation, based on traditional weaving and hanging techniques, while applying the principales of ruled geometries, to create an consistent architectural space made out of various elements. The construction required around 30km of string.
The resulting object is particular in nature. From afar it seems like a very dense sculptural form, while from the inside, seeing the white string glimmer in the sunlight and swings be so transparent as if made out of air, one hardly has a feeling of being enclosed. Additionally, the interior space, thought it’s divided into smaller „rooms”, retains all the visual and audial unity. But maybe the biggest surprise of all is seeing all the curved surfaces, so interesing to a human eye, while knowing, that it’s all just straight lines.
The outcome is a distinctive and fun space where everybody, from workshop participants to local children, can enjoy their time. The airiness and translucency of the pavillion makes it a place to come to relax and daydream.

Lokalizacja: Bukareszt, MEDS 2016
Współrzędne: 44.472831, 26.071358
Powierzchnia: 81m2
Zespół: [winkle] – Maga Baryła, Eliza Biała, Barbara Drozdek, Aleksandra Łukaszewska –
oraz uczestnicy warsztatów MEDS 2016: Aleksandra Atanasova, Marta Badurina, Klara Bilić, Audrey Boudjemaa, Eduardo Crespo, Razvan Cristea, Leto Demetriadou, Élie J. Ghattas, Rand Ghibril, Kamila Haja, Jan Marin, Marina Mersiadou, Helen Louise Needs, Tijana Radovanović, Andra Raicu, Akrivi Sakellaridi, Greta Samiş, Christina Skitsa, Natalia Stefanou, Steven Alejandro Whitehouse
Rok: Sierpień 2016